NaNoWriMo buddies, pals, amigos

NaNoWriMo Calendar 2012 Fresh Ribbon A

NaNoWriMo Calendar 2012 Fresh Ribbon A (Photo credit: Monda@NoTelling)

Are you taking part in next month’s NaNoWriMo event?  You know, where you actually sit down and write (well, I sit down and type because my hand would cramp up and fall off if I had to write almost 2,000 words a day for 30 days) every day for a month and end up with 50,000 words and a good start on your next book?  Are you going to be there?

And if you’re not going to be there, well, why not?  It’s not too late to sign up.  It’s easy, quick, and you get to write your own bio.  I mean, if you want to tell us about the story you wrote in 4th grade that caused you unbelievable humiliation because the teacher (you remember her, Ms. Maliver, she always made you stand up in front of the class and read your stories to a bunch of kids who hated you) once again forced you to read your story out loud and kids were actually laughing at you…and not in a good way.  Well, you can tell that story if you so desire.  Or you can tell us that you own your own multi-million dollar business but are giving it away to a homeless lady you saw at the subway station every day because you just have to devote the rest of your life to writing.  Heck, there might even be some people who will believe that.

Anyhow, I’m getting off track here.  What I really wanted to do was beg and plead for some NaNo writing buddies.  I had cabin mates in one of the camp NaNo events who were so supportive.  Unfortunately, we didn’t add each other as buddies…I know, I know…what a bunch of goofballs.  But I’d like to recreate those same feelings of camaraderie in the upcoming NaNo event.  So…if you’re looking for a writing buddy…pick me, pick me!!  Please don’t make this be like junior high school gym where I was always the last one chosen.  Oh the shame, the humiliation…please don’t make me go through that again.

Come on over to my NaNo house and add me as a buddy.  You can bet I’ll add you right back.  I love being able to share the struggles and triumphs we writers experience when we are trying to write a lot of words in a short period of time.  Heck, I just like friends that I can share life in general with…anything in life can be fodder for your next writing gig.

And, yes, I did steal  ,uh I mean borrow, this idea for a post from a number of other bloggers.  I liked it when they did it and thought it could work for me too.  Now, please don’t make me sit here in front of my computer and cry my little blue eyes out because no one wants to be my friend.  Wow!  Doesn’t this sound like I have super-low self-esteem?  And I really don’t…really, I don’t.

1 thought on “NaNoWriMo buddies, pals, amigos

  1. Pingback: Writing Faster | PeoplePlacesThings

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